

Share news of recent and upcoming events, media appearances, projects and people.

Lectures Spring 2025Information on Courses for Spring 2025   more
Bach, Bagels, and Bob October 17Bach, Bagels, Bob Show   more
Courses Fall 2024Robert Butts classes - Fall 2024   more
Courses Spring 2024Spring 2024 Lectures/Courses   more
Courses Fall 2023Courses offered September-November 2023   more
Gershwin & Bernstein talks in Basking RidgeLectures at the Bernards Township Library, Basking Ridge   more
Elegia Classics CD ReleasedElegia Classics Releases CD   more
Bach, Bagels, and Bob December 10Bach, Bagels, and Bob for December 10, 2022   more
Maestro Butts Courses Fall 2022Courses offered Fall 2022   more
Maestro Makes HistoryMaestro Butts conducts Historic Opera in Padua Italy   more
Bach, Bagels, and Bob enters 2nd season When Maestro Butts first broadcast his show “Bach, Bagels, and Bob,” he envisioned it as a chance for friends, colleagues, and patrons to stay connected and share stories and music during the pandemic lockdown. In a short time, the show has evolved into a local arts experience.   more
Maestro Butts to conduct Two Live Concerts During the SummerWe have all missed being in person and sharing great music with each other. While Maestro Butts has worked hard and creatively during the pandemic, producing great shows like Bach, Bagels, and Bob, great collaborations as with Keys 2 Success, great virtual events with The Baroque Orchestra of New Jersey, and continued to offer his enlightening courses – it’s not been the same as actually being there together.   more
Maestro Butts Working Towards September Premiere in ItalyMaestro Butts has been working closely with librettist Vincenzo Faggiano on an exciting new operatic work called La Serva di Padova. He conducted an earlier version in January 2019, and is composing additional music for various characters and scenes.   more
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