We have all missed being in person and sharing great music with each other. While Maestro Butts has worked hard and creatively during the pandemic, producing great shows like Bach, Bagels, and Bob, great collaborations as with Keys 2 Success, great virtual events with The Baroque Orchestra of New Jersey, and continued to offer his enlightening courses – it’s not been the same as actually being there together.
With hopes that we are emerging from the crisis, Maestro Butts has programmed two live concerts for the summer.
The dates are July 18 and August 22 at 4:00 PM. The performances will be on the pavilion at the new Madison Community Arts Center, 10 Kings Road, Madison, New Jersey.
These concerts will be free and feature artist of the orchestra playing Baroque works by Bach, Vivaldi, Telemann, and Handel.
Bring a blanket or a chair for lawn seating. After the concert, it’s only a few blocks walk to Madison’s leading restaurants! We are all looking forward to this opportunity to share wonderful music with a wonderful audience and a wonderful orchestra.
Maestro Butts and the orchestra - The Pavilion at the new Madison Community Arts Center.